This recipe is a very typical dessert during the Easter in Spain. Very cheap ingredients and how to.
* 1 stick of bread from the day before
* 1/2 l milk (more or less)
* Oil for fry
* 250 gr sugar
* 2 eggs
* 1 table spoon of cinnamon
How to:
1. Cut the bread in generous slides (3-4 cm)
2. Dip the bread in milk, but not so much because we want to eat the Torrijas with the hand and if they are so liquid you will need a spoon.
3. Coat the wet (of milk) bread in beaten eggs.
4. Now the most important step. You have to fry the mixture of bread, milk and egg with medium heat. It has to be fry outside and inside, but don’t has to be crunchy.
5.Left it in a plate with paper to dry the extra oil.
6. In another bowl, mix the sugar and the cinnamon. Put the fry Torrijas this bowl and cover all the Torrijas with the mixture of sugar an cinnamon.
You should get something similar what you can see in the pictures.
Now it’s ready to eat but also you can keep them during several days.
Enjoy and all your comments are welcome.
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