This recipe is perfect for the hot days in the spring or summer. Very cheap ingredients and an awesome final taste. The name of the recipe is Salmorejo Cordobés because if very tipical from the south of Spain where the olive oil is very good, but the person who teach me is from the north so, doesn’t matter where you from, if you have good ingredients, you will get a wonderful Salmorejo. Try it!!
* 1 Kg of tasty tomatoes
* 1 clove of garlic
* 1 glass of Olive Oil (Virgin Extra)
* Vinegar
* Salt
* Bread from the day before (hard)
* Hardboiled egg
* Spanish Jamón
* Cucumber
How to do:
1. You need a pealed tomatoes so the best way to get it is to put the tomatoes in boiling water during 30 seg. After that you will peel the tomatoes in a very easy way.
2. Cut the garlic and remove the central part. With this action maybe the taste of garlic won’t repeat in your mouth all the day.
3. Now cut the tomatoes in 2 or 4 pieces and add the tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, salt an vinegar together and mix all of them until you get a homogeneous mixture
4. Now add bread. Little a little until you get the a good texture.
This recipe is better if you eat it the day after.
Add a few of olive oil before serve.
Add the rest of ingredients (egg, jamón, etc) as a complement when eating. It’s very typical use normal bread as a spoon to eat the salmorejo.
Thanks to Aída for the recipe.

!Qué ganas de que lleguen los tomatitos del pueblo para darle valor añadido a vuestra receta, chicos…! ¡Mmm!
Ya te digo!!! Y más después de haber estado varios días por Córdoba disfrutando del original Salmorejo.